There were 16 members at the October meeting, lots of show and tell, and a lot of talking (my favorite part! A big surprise to many of you, I'm sure!) So, here we go....
Mona Waddington was our guest speaker for the evening. She showed a nice
selection of her quilts, beginning with her grandmother's 1890 scrap quilt. It was a nice
variety of traditional, fun, challengy, pretty much ran the gammit! I've decided:
Mona is good people!
Sharon Malec:
Is back in action! Woo-hoo!!
The photos are all taken, the committee will be meeting, and they will e-mail us the order forms. You'll know at the same time as I do.
November 24th Meeting:
Bring three 12 inch ugly squares of fabric. That's 3 twelve inch UGLY squares of fabric!
(Yes, you are reading correctly! See what happens when I miss a meeting!!!)
We will keep one ugly fabric, and trade the other two. The point of this is to prove that ugly
truly IS beautiful! The completed 9" finished blocks (9 1/2" unfinished) will be due at the
January 2009 meeting. We will then sew the blocks together. We will decide at a later date
if we will raffle it off among the group, or perhaps donate it.
NOTE: There will be 2 consistent fabrics that will be given to each of us to work with. One
will be a muslin, and the other is a pale sage green (Benartex Fossil Fern). There were
examples of ugly fabrics at the meeting,...I actually liked most of them,...go figure!
Sewing Machine Needles:
Chris Moline read an article regarding the sewing machine needles that we use.
The articles and books we read tell us to use specific needles as well as specific brands
for specific purposes,...piecing, quilting, applique, blah, blah, blah. It all depends on the
authors experiences. Well, the article talks about these needles and about how they are all
a little off in their calibrations, causing us to call out dirty names while in the process of
trying to create a masterpiece. Their claim was that the only needles that were truly
calibrated correctly and consistently were Singer brand. So, Chris whipped out her handy
calibrating tool (I looked but couldn't find mine! Ha! Who else but Chris would own one of
these things!?!) and started measuring needles. She needed to measure from the top of the
needle to the top of the eye of the needle. Singer was the only one that was consistent and
true. So, the point of this is to stop spending money on all of those expensive foreign
needles and buy good old fashioned, your grandmother used 'em, why not you? Singer
Make your own hard bound book!
For show and tell several months ago, one of our members brought in a hard bound
book with her quilts in it. (Sorry, I can hear brain cells landing on the lower lobes of my
brain as I type this, so I've forgotten her name although her face is right there where it
belongs! From this point on she'll be known as Comic Book Girl. She is standing proudly with
her cape flapping in the wind behind her! Oh, what a sight!)
Anyway, it was fun and reasonable when on sale. I know that Joan Bratton had one done for
one of her vacations.
Here is the web site:
Massage Therapy Information:
I fell asleep on the sofa leaning on my fist. Messed up my jaw. I was in pain for 2
months when my sister came in from California to visit. She had been to a new dentist who
massaged her jaw, popped it back into place, ground down her teeth for proper alignment,
and I want to know where in the area you can find a dentist like that?!? My dentist told me
that I probably had TMJ, which I didn't believe.
I looked on line and found this woman who does intra-oral massage. She massages from
your shoulders up, inserts a gloved hand into your mouth and presses pressure points to
relieve the pain.
It worked! It was $75 for a one hour session. I had a 2nd appointment because there
were still some pressure points that were in some pain,...but only when she pressed on it!
So, after the first visit I went home pain free. You've gotta love that!
In addition to the intra-oral massage, she and her girls also do other massage types:
Swedish, trigger point, neuromuscular, deep tissue, pre & post natal, and hot stone.
You may find relief from TMJ, Stress, whiplash, repetitive strain, plantar fascitis, postural
imbalance, neck and back, carpel tunnel, fibromyalgia, and headaches.
She also is a trained hypnotist, and can help you over come problems that you may
have,...being late, public speaking phobias, memory improvement,...the list goes on. She
is unable to convince you to do something that you do not want while under hypnosis. If you
want to begin showing up on time, she cannot set you up to arrive 5 minutes early. If you
want to be a better public speaker, she cannot set you up to be an exotic pole dancer!
So, it won't be as exciting as a Vegas show, but it may be benificial to you.
She also does something called EFT or emotional freedom technique (see
which is basically a method of tapping on pressure points. It has the same affect as
accupunture, sans needles.
She does workshops on stress, ergonomics, and pain reduction self care. She is willing
to do a workshop for us for free, maybe throw in some gas money. I'm going to talk to
Faithful Circle and see if they would be interested in her as a speaker. It's 30 to 60 minutes
for approximately $125. I was wondering if the group would be interested in hearing her
speak. We'll discuss this at the next meeting. I'm sure she's hoping to get some jobs from
BODYWORK, massage therapy and stress reduction center, inc.
Rose Marie Soraich, LMT neuromuscular, deep tissue, NGH certified hypnotist
105 West Elm Street, Wheaton, IL 60187 630-682-5599
Okay, ladies, that's a wrap. Can't think of anything more, at least not until I get upstairs and
stir the spaghetti sauce! Remember there will be no December meeting, the button
challenge is due in a few months (check last month's newsletter). Happy Thanksgiving to
those I will not see, as well as a happy set of holidays!
xxxooo, Laurie